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How to set up Pinecone and get API key (Mainly for Flowise project)

Here is a short guide on How to create Pinecone index and find API key, Pinecone environment, namespaces for Flowise project.

Header image for How to set up Pinecone and get api key (Mainly for Flowise project)

Register Pinecine

Go to “Sign up for Free” and sign in.

Create index

Go to “Create index”.

create index

Input the value below in the popup:

Index name: your choice
Dimentions: 1536
Mertrics: cosine
Pod type: Starter
set up index

Note that Dimension and Metrics vary with the embedding services you are using. An example is for Openai’s text-embedding-ada-002.

Get API key and Pinecone environment:

If you go to API Keys, you should find a your environment value and API key there.

Get API key and pinecone environment

Get Pinecone namespace:

Go to index page, and find namespaces under your index name.

Get pinecone namespaces

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